Monday, December 13, 2010

Thanks A-Latte!

Oh. My. Espresso. How I love thee.

I thought I would devote a little writing and all around appreciation to my new job that I absolutely adore. I just recently acquired a job at Bookmans, which (for those of you who don't already know) is a magnificent company that is here in Arizona. Bookmans is a place of beauty...seriously. They recycle books, music, videos and electronics by buying your hand-me down goodies and re-selling them to shoppers for amazing prices. When you sell goods to Bookmans, they either give you cash or a trade-slip that you can use anywhere in the store (even the cafe). This is the place to find the best stuff for the best prices. Being the bookworm that I am, I love browsing the shelves and finding classic authors, new authors, art books and so much more. They have something to do with everything...not to mention their insane and hard to resist collection of music. I know this is just a super short description of them and I cannot even begin to enlighten you on every wonderful aspect of this place. You can read more about this slice of heaven here.

Anyway...I work in the cafe!!! Yay! Mmmm, coffee? Yes, please. I cannot begin to express how excited this whole experience makes me. The Bookmans Cafe is a place of quality. Period. We are being trained by the most brilliant coffee connoisseur, if you will, that I have ever met. I swear, ask him anything and he knows...oh and he's an incredible teacher and has a sweet personality and a fantastic sense of humor. I'm so excited to introduced to the wonderful world of coffee and learn all these incredible things. I know this is going to sound cheesy...but coffee really is an art. (Sorry if I am rambling and not making a lot of sense...I've probably consumed too much caffeine for my own good).

So, here is what we're working with...
Intelligentsia (Holy guacamole this stuff is good.)

And our AMAZING machine from La Marzocco straight from Firenze, Italia!!!

Everything is so amazing and the people at Bookmans have the kindest hearts I've experienced. I'm so fortunate to have this amazing job and I am so excited and eager to learn, learn, learn! So come visit so I can pull you a (hopefully) delicious shot!
Here's a wonderful video from Intelligentsia that is A.) just a really beautiful video and B.) a taste of what I've been learning step by step.

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