Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day One

I cannot believe I am creating a blog. I've always thought blogs were weird. It's like a journal, but something for everyone to read? It just didn't make sense to me...until now.

Let me explain...
I've always enjoyed writing. Not so much fiction, or poetry (well, sometimes poetry), but I've always liked writing thoughts that run wildly through my head. I like to write them down, and read them later. It helps me reflect on my life and remind me what I was thinking, and sometimes why I was thinking something at a certain time. This, however, is my problem: when I write, I don't edit myself. I just write. (So if anyone actually ever reads this, please excuse the occasional grammar, spelling, or any other error that may occur, including just not making sense). It was something I learned in high school. I had a wonderful teacher Junior year of high school, Mr. Janssen, who had us write in our journal every week for ten minutes. He always said the goal was to "just write." Don't lift your pen or pencil from the paper, just write. I soon grew to love this idea, and the act itself. It's a sort of release. You get everything out of your mind that you consciously or sometimes subconsciously want, or need to get out. And everyone knows that if you keep your feelings and thoughts bottled up, it doesn't always turn out well. It's much healthier to have some sort of "release" for these thoughts and feelings. For some people it is writing, others singing or laughing, or screaming. So this, is why I write. I don't do it on a regular basis, although I probably should, but it makes me feel better when I get to it.

As far as the blog thing goes, I've found that relating to other people is healthy. Yes, it took me 18 years to figure this out. I've always been someone who didn't really want to relate to people. My problems are mine. Nobody can relate to what is going on in my life, good or bad. But I've learned that sometimes people CAN relate to each other. And when you do relate, if you're going through a tough time, it feels a lot better. And if you're going through a good time, it's nice to share that good feeling with someone who understands it. So this is why I'm doing this. Maybe someone will relate to me. Somewhat understand what I write from time to time. I cannot promise that this blog will be interesting, funny, or as mentioned above, make any sense what so ever. It just IS. It just will BE.

With all that said, let's give this a try...

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